Minggu, 28 September 2014


Such a wonderful weekend! Hehehe...well it's actually just an ordinary weekend but i got an extra money from selling my illustrations. So i decided to go to the bookstore after my late lunch and grab a new Moleskine blocknote for my new illustration journal. I find this blocknote is quite good with its quality, but somehow not too friendly for pencil colors. The paper is too smooth, so i need extra effort to draw on it.

My first doodling today is a little indian girl with some geometric patterns and collage. I really enjoyed this evening :) Schoenes Wochenende!

Kamis, 25 September 2014


TOKO SERBA ADA is an Indonesian terminology for supermarket. This is the new concept which i want to use in my next project. All the grocery stuffs in watercolors!

Rabu, 10 September 2014


I had nothing to do at work today. So i grab my drawing stuffs and do some art works. This is actually my new experiment. Working on some packaging drawing that are already familiar, just a lil bit twist on colours here and there :)