OH NO! Where are they?? |
Let's fix them all! :) |
Choosing the cool ones and put them on that frame! |
Stay Tweet! |
Bestfriends! |
Kebiasaan main lempar aja :)
I'm not that fashionable but quite interested with those kind of things! |
Must read books! |
I have 3 more layers behind them! haha.. |
Coba inget, berapa kali lo give up sama kamar lo yang berantakan? Kinda full of your stuffs around dan hopeless...ini gimana beresinnyaaaa??? Hahaha...same here! I have too many loveable stuffs to keep. Books, postcards, graphic things, DVDs, crayons, colored pencils, tshirts, bangles....but never had enough space! Aaaaaaaa tidaaaaaaaaaakkkk! I really wish that furniture brand came to this town soon! Help meee! :p
Yang paling susah adalah menata buku. Bisa diakalin dengan sistem layer, but Wow! Those are heavy things! Nah ini emang perlu agak tricky untuk ngatur layoutnya :) Kalo kepenuhan bisa jeboool deh rak nya. Sementara tiap bulan pasti buku nambah...nambah...nambah... Hey graphic designers! You need to be careful with your books...they're super heavy!! Awwwwrrrrr.....
But, how do you deal with that? Nambah bikin bete atau justru cuek aja? Let's do my first tips: BUANG YANG GAK PERLU! Seriously! Hahaha... Kadang emang sayang sih ngebuang personal things kita, tapi ya emang bener-bener harus dibuang atau cuma bakalan nyampah. Ikhlaskan atau kamar lo cuma jadi gudang! hahaha...
And second tips is: Your room is your bat cave. It represents you.
So from now on, coba deh make over kamar kamu jadi lebih seru. Pake stuffs kamu yang udah ada. Make your own DIY things! Be creative! Bikin hiasan dinding sendiri atau hanya sekedar bikin nice things dari bahan-bahan bekas yang masih kira-kira lucu buat di recycle.
Owh, it's almost midnite here. Time to go bed!
Have fun and have a nice sleep y'all! :)
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