Jumat, 24 Juni 2016


Sebagai orang Indonesia, mungkin ungkapan-ungkapan kayak "Aaah! Sok Inggris lo ah!" itu udah biasa kita dengar ya? Kayaknya salaaah aja kalo kita pinter bahasa inggris hahaha. Language becomes a social judgement somehow here. Jaman sekarang, anak-anak sudah diajarkan bahasa asing sejak balita, you name it! Bahasa Ingrris, Mandarin, Korea, dan nggak sedikit juga yang pada akhirnya berakhir 'menyedihkan' dengan nggak bisa-bisa amat bahasa ibunya sendiri. They can't even survive in their homeland! Sad but true...

Tahun 2011 saya memutuskan untuk hijrah ke Singapura. Saat itu saya sadar, kemampuan bahasa asing saya biasa-biasa saja. Di hari pertama saya bekerja, saya harus berkompromi dengan lebih dari 9 bahasa di kantor karena banyak sekali pekerja asing. Itu baru bahasa. Belum budaya dan kebiasaan. Copywriter saya orang India, Filipina, dan Singapura. Art Director saya seorang chinese Malaysia, Account Service saya orang malay yang besar di Inggris, dan boss saya sendiri seorang chinese Singapura. Can you imagine how complicated it was? Hahaha...

Language can be interesting, but in some cases can be problems too.

Di bulan ke-3 saya bekerja, bos saya komplain. Beliau bilang saya sangat lamban mencerna Bahasa Inggris dan berakibat terhambatnya pekerjaan. Well, Singlish would never been easy to catch...and i just simply admitted that. But since he's a kindhearted guy, then he gave me some more times to catch up. And luckily...i nailed it!

Sepulangnya kembali ke Jakarta, saya mengalami beberapa kendala. Rasanya seperti harus menyesuaikan kembali dengan Bahasa Indonesia campur-campur dan lucu. Tahun 2013 ketika saya kembali. Di hari pertama saya bekerja, saya seperti 'nggak nyambung' dengan kolega saya ketika bercanda. Banyak ungkapan-ungkapan slang seperti "ciyn!" atau "pecah men!" atau "sa'iiikk!", and i just did not get it! At that time i realised that... Aaah... My slang (and proper) Bahasa got rusty already!

Mungkin sampai sekarang masih banyak yang 'risih' kenapa salah satu kolega kita selalu membalas setiap email dengan Bahasa Inggris. Simple answer: English is much more SIMPLE for business purposes!

English has both characteristics: can be stretched out or can be very compact. Bahasa Inggris sangat mudah dipakai untuk urusan pekerjaan. Namun sedikit sekali bahkan hampir tidak pernah ada kolega yang merespon saya dengan cara yang sama. Is that wrong? No. Feel weird? maybe. Never get used to it? maybe. Nggak bisa Bahasa Inggris? I don't think so. Takut salah grammar dan being judged? it's a big possibilty.

Dari kecil mungkin kita diajarkan bahasa asing dengan metode "Grammar Nazi". Present tense, past tense, single and plural, irregular verbs, and so on. We think, if we speak in a wrong grammar, people won't get it! That makes us feel afraid to SPEAK!

Is that true?

Tahun 2013 akhirnya saya memutuskan belajar Bahasa Jerman secara serius di sebuah institut bahasa jerman di Jakarta. Belajar dari mengucap alphabet hingga bagaimana berpresentasi di depan orang. Akhirnya saya mengalami bagaimana bertutur dengan bahasa asing lain and how to deal with its complicated structures.

But do my English and Bahasa get rusty? No.

Saya tetap menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dalam keseharian dan Bahasa Inggris dalam pekerjaan. Ketika menulis, saya berusaha sangat peka dengan struktur dan grammar. Tetapi ketika berkomunikasi dalam keseharian...saya membebaskan bahasa apapun yang saya pelajari keluar secara natural. That's my way to keep languages stick in head.

Ketika saya mengunjungi Jerman dan berusaha keras menggunakan bahasa Jerman saya apa adanya, ternyata saya menjumpai banyak kejutan. I felt closer to the locals. Dan tidak ada samasekali yang mengoreksi grammar bahasa Jerman saya yang pas-pasan. They simply understood (with smiles of course hahaha..) Saya percaya, ketika kita berusaha berbicara dengan bahasa lokal sebagai foreigner atau turis di negeri asing.... that might sounds "CUTE" for them. So, jangan pernah takut untuk memulai dan takut salah :) Sama rasanya ketika mendengar ada orang bule yang berusaha berbicara dengan bahasa Indonesia. Sounds funny but fun, right?

So how does your language get rusty?
Knowing our social life, saya menyadari bahwa tidak mudah untuk menggunakan bahasa inggris di Indonesia. It's very challenging i would say. Kalau jago banget...dibilang sok inggris. Kalau nggak bisa sama sekali...dibilang dumb atau nggak keren. But the rusty thing might happen if we never really use it in daily basis. So what should we do?

Sudah setahun saya tidak melanjutkan studi bahasa Jerman saya dan rasanya semakin banyak kosa kata yang hilang, saya hanya belajar sesekali ketika saya pulang kerja. It just comes naturally. Terlebih bahasa Eropa memang memiliki struktur yang sangat berbeda, cukup rumit, dan unik untuk orang Indonesia. Apa yang akan terjadi kalau saya mencampur bahasa Indonesia saya dengan bahasa eropa? Of course that might be the weirdest thing! Hahaha... Jadi mungkin harus punya keahlian tersendiri juga untuk melihat keadaan.

So... in fact, there is no secret formula in learning languages. The most important thing is... KEEP PRACTICING dan JANGAN TAKUT untuk berbicara. Well...we need to ignore that social judgements anyhow. When we're getting expert of something, sometimes it's because we just get used to it, right? Kalau yang hobi traveling, buat saya itu keuntungan lebih juga. Bisa belajar bahasa langsung dengan orang sekitar ketika di negara tertentu.

Language is the greatest bridge. Dan saya percaya juga seseorang dengan kemampuan bahasa yang baik akan memiliki value labih dalam kehidupan sehari-hari maupun pekerjaannya. Dan terbukti, kemampuan bahasa akan menambah teman-teman baru dan membuat toleransi kita juga lebih baik dengan orang-orang yang berbeda budaya dengan kita.

This world is not only one page, anyway. And we need to explore it more, right? :)

Senin, 21 September 2015


After months, it's finally done :)
The first illustrative cookery book in Indonesia published by Gramedia publisher and will be launched soon this end of year. :)

Minggu, 03 Mei 2015


Finally! My first singing competition!

I will sing together with my classmate, Andrea at the and of our German class next month. It's actually a karaoke competition, but i think it's better if we can sing without seeing the lyrics. So, we are going to sing 2 German songs from Tim Bendszko - Nur noch die kurz welt retten and a song from Andreas Bourani - Nur in meinem kopf! I like the songs, and hopefully we can win the competition and be the next Indonesien Goethe Idols hahahahaha... :) Viel Gluck!

Rabu, 08 April 2015


Currently i am enjoying my trips and free time doing sketches on my Moleskine. Started when i visited France last year and i found way sooo many good places and buildings. I am addicted to windows and doors and trying to draw it with my ink pens and watercolor.

Not really sure they are good or not, but i really enjoy it! :)

Kamis, 25 Desember 2014


Time flies... the end year 2014 is just around the corner. For me, it's been a crazy year, what a roller coaster! The greatest thing is i had big chances to explore myself and had 2 bug trips to Taiwan and France. I am grateful that God always give me chances to learn new things, meet me with new great people around the world, and exploring to see the beauty of this planet.

I am quite happy for my life so far, with its ups and downs. And i am happy to know that now i become an artist instead of just being a graphic designer at work.

The new year will come soon. I hope i can be a better person next year and more chances to learn many many new things! Happy new year!!!

Minggu, 21 Desember 2014


Voila my very first digital illustration using a wacom pen and tablet. The strokes are not perfect enough but i really enjoyed this cool stuff anyway :) Many more flowery illustrations will come!

Rabu, 17 Desember 2014


Christmas is coming soon!

It's fun to spend some times during working time to create some greeting cards and decorations. Will give them to some close friends and maybe sell some :)

Rabu, 03 Desember 2014


Bonjour France!

That was my second time traveling to Europe. And i decided to go to some places in France. It was amazing and sooo beautiful. I like Paris for its multicultural daily life, restaurants, streets, the fashionable people, and so many art museums. The weather was nice too, it was around 7 degrees in the morning, well it's cold for an Asian like me. Hehehehe...

France fascinated me for its street cafes. I like the exteriors and the ambience. I felt like...the things that i only saw on Pinterest are real! Hahahahahahah... And everything was just simply beautiful.

I went to Paris, Angers, and Quimper. Angers was the one i love the most! This small city is very pleasant to live in, not too crowded, and the people are nice too. The coffee shops are very cozy and comfortable, the price is cheaper too :)

Well, i can not wait for me to go back there again next time. Tu me manque beaucoup!

Minggu, 28 September 2014


Such a wonderful weekend! Hehehe...well it's actually just an ordinary weekend but i got an extra money from selling my illustrations. So i decided to go to the bookstore after my late lunch and grab a new Moleskine blocknote for my new illustration journal. I find this blocknote is quite good with its quality, but somehow not too friendly for pencil colors. The paper is too smooth, so i need extra effort to draw on it.

My first doodling today is a little indian girl with some geometric patterns and collage. I really enjoyed this evening :) Schoenes Wochenende!

Kamis, 25 September 2014


TOKO SERBA ADA is an Indonesian terminology for supermarket. This is the new concept which i want to use in my next project. All the grocery stuffs in watercolors!